Meet The Founder:
Martha Castro

STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor, Certified Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant & Miracle Minded Coach (trained by the world-renowned Marianne Williamson)
Martha Isabel Castro is the founder and owner of PILATES CENTER of Ormond Beach. With over 20 years of experience practicing Pilates, Martha's journey began when she discovered the profound impact of Pilates on her own life. Struggling with chronic lower back pain, she tried many healing methods with little success until Pilates transformed her life from the inside out. It was this personal transformation—strengthening her core, finding balance, and understanding proper alignment—that inspired her to become a STOTT PILATES® Certified Instructor and open her own studio.

For more than a decade, Martha’s studio has been a sanctuary for those seeking transformation, healing, and wellness. Her intuitive approach allows her to assess each client’s unique needs, guiding them to achieve balance and reach their personal fitness and wellness goals. Martha's holistic vision, rooted in Pilates, has empowered hundreds of clients to strengthen their bodies, cultivate flexibility, and connect mindfully to themselves and the world around them.

A Letter From Martha

"The Wound is the Place Where the Light Enters" Rumi

Nearly 20 years ago, I began my journey into Pilates as a client, seeking relief from debilitating back pain. After trying countless therapies, it was Pilates that taught me how to rebuild my strength from the core, realign my body, and live pain-free. This transformation was so powerful that I left my corporate career to become a STOTT PILATES® instructor and open a studio where others could experience the same healing and growth. Over the last 10 years, my studio has become more than just a physical space—it’s a place of transformation for the mind, body, and spirit.

Pilates is not just exercise for me; it's a way of life. It influences how I move, react, and navigate through every challenge with grace and strength. The principles of Pilates—balance, alignment, core strength—become a way to reconnect with yourself and the world in a meaningful way. When practiced mindfully, Pilates transcends the physical, allowing you to embody a new sense of awareness and purpose in your daily life.

My personal growth journey has evolved over the years. What began as a focus on mindful movement has expanded into a holistic practice that nurtures the mind, body, and spirit. This journey led me to become certified as an Ayurveda Lifestyle Consultant and a Miracle Minded Coach under the tutelage of Marianne Williamson. These modalities allow me to guide clients in deep, multidimensional healing.
"The wound is the place where the light enters you."
— Rumi

Our Studio Philosophy:

At PILATES CENTER of Ormond Beach, we welcome everyone—whether you're seeking physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth. Our few guiding principles help ensure that transformation can occur:
  1. Leave negativity at the door. No politics, no drama, no self-deprecation—true transformation thrives in a positive space.
  2. We embrace all forms of pain — physical, emotional, or psychological—and help you release it through mindful movement.
  3. Release judgment, especially toward yourself. Your journey is uniquely yours.
  4. Just show up. We will meet you where you are and guide your practice to match your needs that day while working toward your long-term goals.
For over 25 years, I’ve immersed myself in personal growth, wellness, and the mind-body connection. My practice spans from physical movement to metaphysical teachings and the wisdom of quantum physics. I’ve studied under thought leaders such as Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Deepak Chopra, and have participated in yearly plant medicine ceremonies for deeper multidimensional growth. My passion for teaching and lifelong learning continues to fuel my commitment to helping others find balance, alignment, and personal empowerment through Pilates and beyond.

Come join me on this journey—step into the space where transformation happens.

Love, Give, Grow

- Martha Castro

Our Clients say it best

“Martha is a life saver! She came into my life in a very rough period where my back was out of whack as well as my head.  And it was if she knew I needed her help. Talk about synchronicities!!! Her guidance, love and attention is exactly what my life needed. MC is a life saver”
- Scott C
I came to Martha two years ago six months sober and weighing 249. Two years later and still sober, I now weigh 184. I am in the best shape of my life at age 68. Martha has not only been an outstanding instructor but also a mentor, life coach and role model. Life changing would be an understatement
- Brad G
“The Pilates Center of Ormond beach instructors are amazing. Not only is the training exceptional but the the personal guidance they provide is the key to getting yourself centered. Loving yourself, being mindful and body readjustments are all it took for me to shine” Thank you Team Pilates Center. xo
- Mary J

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